Lecture : There is no lecture this week – go (virtual) walking instead!
Before your tutorial you are expected to experience two virtual tours, one from each group (some institutions offer a choice, you only need to look at one of their tours – unless you get enthusiastic!):
Museums and Galleries
Other places
Make some records of your experience – you will need these for tutorial activities. One aspect to focus on is how these tours do or do not give you a sense of place: museums and galleries are likely to concentrate on the items they hold in their collections, but do they make any attempt to link you to the space in which the items are displayed? Take screenshots of anything which especially impresses you (or that you especially dislike!).
Activity 1 – Virtual Tour Experience
Be prepared to tell the class about your experience:
- Which tour did you take?
- What did you like? Not like?
- What did you learn?
Some time will be given to start working on a blog entry illustrating your experience (part of assessment Task 4). This does not need to be long, but it should incorporate a map locating the venues you visited virtually and some of the records you made of the tour. This is intended to be an activity which checks that you are prepared to complete assessment Task 3 – take the opportunity to ask questions!
Activity 2 – Three streams
Be prepared to briefly answer the question:
Of the three streams introduced (Digital Media, Digital Heritage, Digital Scholarship), which one interests me most and why? Refer to one resource or output you have been introduced to which influenced your ideas.
Activity 3 – Your own virtual tour
Choose a place which you like. If you were creating a virtual tour of that place, what material and information would you include? What kinds of presentation (images, sounds, video, 3D) would you want to use? You will have some time to organise your ideas, then you will be assigned a partner and you will explain your concepts to each other. Then each pair will briefly present ideas to the whole class.
Activity 4 – Web Skllls: Absolute and relative paths
When we include material such as images in a web page, we create an instruction for the browser to go and find a file. The address of the file can take two forms:
- An absolute path – how to find the file starting from anywhere
- A relative path – how to find the file starting from where you are
Start editing a new page in Sea Monkey, then insert an image from somewhere on your computer. Look at the HTML source – you should see something like this:
:<img src=”file:///E:/2020/ATS1208/Web_materials/Images/dragon.jpg”alt=”dragon” width=”328″ height=”187″>
The stuff which comes after “src=“ is an absolute path.
Delete the image from the page you are editing., add any random text and then save the file – it doesn’t really matter where, but the same folder as your image would be a good option. Now insert the image again and look at the HTML again – you should see something like this:
<img src=”Images/dragon.jpg” alt=”Dragon” width=”328″ height=”187″>
This time, what follows “src=“ is a relative path.
If you include an image before you save a page:
- The editor doesn’t know where to start the path
- Therefore the absolute path to the image will be used
- This will not work on a different computer
If you save the page before you include any images:
- The editor knows where to start the path
- Therefore a relative path can be used
- This will work on any computer if the files remain in the same relative locations
(See also screen capture video segment on Moodle)